One week in Haiti is complete. Tommorrow the first team that I will be experiencing will be coming in in the late afternoon. It should be good to meet them and to start learning how to help lead them. This week for me has been very diverse and interesting. From learning how the Haitian Queen works(the house), to driving recklessly through Haitian streets, breathing in God's glorious beauty as I look towards the mountains and the ocean in which I am surrounded by, fighting off rats and turantulas in the dark while dodging jumping lizards, invisible fire ants, and those lovely mosquitoes, driving a motto(motorcycle), partying it up with the Haitians, learning how to compra, getting used to the heat and rice, helping with some construction, and visiting the children at the orphanage near by. During my quiet times with the Lord I have been working my way through James and 1 and 2 Peter. He has been teaching me more than ever that things aren't about me, and the way I think and act sometimes is very selfish. Coming to Haiti so far has helped me realize that it's not about my experience, but the lives that are being touched.
At the orphanage it is crazy to see that all these kids seek attention and just want to be touched or noticed. The first time I went I ventured into the toddler room and was almost overwhelmed by the kids wanting to be held, or just hold on to my leg. Later on I hung out with the younger boys and we had alot of fun. I pray that families come and adopt them so they all can have families that love them. Prayer is definately needed in this orphanage, especially in certain cases where people go through the whole extensive process of the adoption, then go to get the kid and the child's real parent's decide not to give them up, and take them back into usually not the greatest conditions. As the weeks go on and I start to learn more Creole, I am excited to see what happens. Thanks again for the prayers,
So glad to hear it is going well! Thinking of you often and praying for you. It is so exciting to hear what God is teaching you. Thanks for posting!! Miss ya!